Sunday, March 13, 2011

Less than 10 weeks!

That's right! Less than 10 weeks and Braelyn will be here! Looking back 10 weeks, we were finding out the gender, and that seems like yesterday, so hopefully the next 10 will fly by even faster! We are making good progress on all the to do's before her arrival. Nursery is pretty much done, with the exception of a crib matress, shelves, and some more decor. I will post pictures soon! We are offically registered for the baby shower, and registered for the birthing classes-an all weekend affair, but at least the classes won't drag out for weeks and weeks! I have this coming week off for Spring Break, so hopefully we can get the rest of everything done and enjoy the last few weeks of our little 2 person family!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

hello 3rd trimester!!

I can't believe we are already in the third trimester!! Sometimes I feel like I have been pregnant forever, and other times it feels like it has gone so fast! All is well at the Bruinsma household. We have definitely settled on a name- Braelyn Leigh. Jared came up with the first name, and the middle name is the same as mine.  We are super excited and are counting down the days (only 93 from today...wowza!) We are working on the nursery-crib is put up and the room is painted. We only did one wall and I don't know if we will do other walls, or just keep it simple. I have my 28 week appointment coming up and from here on out I will go every 2 weeks. My doctor said we get to do one more ultrasound, so it will be fun to see how she has grown and changed since the last one. We can feel her move a lot more and she has got quite the right hook and the swift kicks down. Her and Jared have been playing a game everyday where Jared will put his hand on my belly and give her a little nudge and every time, and I mean every time, she does it right back! It is so funny and amazing. She is approaching 2 pounds and is about 15 inches long, so although she is growing fast, she has a lot more to do in these last 2 1/2 months!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So lucky and so in love!

I can't believe I am about 5 1/2 moths pregnant! Sheesh! This is going to be a "mushy" post, so I am warning you now, it make make you shed a tear, or it may make you vomit! (Thank you hormones!) This past week, I found myself falling deeper in love with my husband, and a side I haven't seen too much of. He is so excited about our baby girl and talks about her, us,  and life together as a family all of the time. With all of the complications we had getting to this point, I think he was a bit nervous about this whole baby thing, but now he is over the scared part and just in the excited stage, which makes me even more excited than I already am! He is the most amazing husband and friend, and know that he will make an even more amazing dad. Last Sunday, we were able to feel her kick from the outside, so he finally got to feel some of the excitement I have been already feeling for the last few weeks! Sleeping with his hands on my belly and waiting for her to kick, talking about her non-stop, and all the little and big things he says or does to show his love and excitement, I find myself so lucky and so in love!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's a......

GIRL!!!! Now that I am caught up on other posts, we are where we should be! Don't think you have been missing out on the other posts....I haven't given anyone the blog address until now....didn't think it would be very interesting to tell people about it when nothing is posted!! I started all my last blogs, but today finally finished them up so I could post them. Yes, Baby guppy Bruinsma is a girl and we could not be more excited! Jared thought it was a girl all along- I on the other hand really had not inclination one way or another.  We have broken the tradition of all boys so far, so I am sure this girl is going to be spoiled and TOUGH in order to hand with all of her male cousins! We haven't had an ultrasound since 7 weeks when she was just a blob with a heartbeat, so we were amazed to see a little baby in there moving, kicking, and sucking her thumb right before our eyes on the screen. We feel blessed that she is healthy and perfect and can't wait to meet her in May!!  

What is THAT????

15 weeks and counting!!

Phew! Into the 2nd trimester and still feeling great! I still have not had any sickness, food aversions/cravings, etc. so thank you little one!  We recently broke the news to everyone and we want to thank you for your kind words, support, and prayers. I also told my class the other day and I am not too sure who is more excited-us or them! It will be pretty interesting and I am ready for the weird looks I am sure I will get teaching human growth and development this spring 7 months pregnant!  We will be finding out what Baby Bruinsma is in about 5 weeks, so I will be sure to post pics and the updates as we get them! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!! With Love,
Jared, Merin, and Baby